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Showing posts from April, 2013

Thought For The Moment

Its been a while since I had a clear mind to write. I have lost the focus and drive to do that which I know was given to me to do. Many writers say you just have to write and keep writing.  Really? I find it very hard right now to put my thoughts down, the story.  Especially when they are jumbled in my head.  Many voices speaking everything except that which I passionately want to give focus.  Its like Paul when he said, I don' really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead I do what I hate.  Romans 7:15 NLT .  No space, no time, no solitude.  I want to get in my car and drive. Drive until either the car stops or I run out of money I don't have in the first place. I find lately that I do not want to come home.  Not that I don't like my home, I do. I just rather be somewhere else. At this moment everything is senseless and meaningless to me and in my spirit.  I almost feel those words of King Solomon.  Meaningless.  Just meaningless.