I had another confirmation. I love it when God does His thang, I love it even more that I stay in His word and listen for Him to speak. I have been really feeling this in my spirit for a long time now. I thought it was me going coo-coo for coe-coe puffs but no, its not me and this is why. The mini message before the main message today was giving by Deacon Harvey and it was called Experiencing The Newness Through Prayer, Praise and Worship. Acts 16:23-26 Praise sends the enemy running. Praise is a declaration of victory. Praise is to command - it's an expression of Humility to God - it's fellowship and intimacy with God. Gods children must increase their praise to God. We must increase our praise to God. Granted we all do not praise God the same way but it is God who knows the heart. Millions upon millions upon millions are facing many circumstances and it is time to stop focusing on those circumstances, stop singing the sad oh whoe is me song, stop ALLOWING the devil to d...
Christ Centered Food For The Soul