With each day that I am blessed to breath, I am more empowered to continue in my growth in Christ. I continue to let go and let God. I released the sadness of abandonment because I am never alone. I released the heartache and loneliness because I am never alone. I released the spirit of lack and inferiority, because God supplies all of my needs according to His riches in glory. My soul is free from all regrets and I no longer have the spirit of shoulda coulda because all things happen for a reason. Nothing no longer surprises me especially with people. I have learned in my years that people choose to do what is important to them, that is ok. I have learned that no matter your growth there will be those who only see your failures all the while failing to see their own. There was a time where all of this mattered. No more. There was a time that I too felt that I was a failure, no more because I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE and you are too. This life we only get one. The...
Christ Centered Food For The Soul