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Showing posts from May, 2014

Sin And Consequences

Sin have consequences. You can not sin and be a Christian. One of my Sisters in Christ contacted me about this statement so I am going to clarify what this means. I never want to misdirect or misinterpret. I am a messenger and can only point you to Jesus and the Word. Study to show yourself approved. 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 NLT Don't you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge (practice) in sexual sin, who are idols worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexual, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers - none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God. Paul goes on to teach that those who have been washed, those that have turned away from sin, set themselves apart for God thus having a part in the Kingdom. Jesus taught this in Matthew 7:21-28  Galatians 5:19-26 also reminds us. I do encourage you to read the complete chapters. The clear point I want to make is yes, we ca...

Don't Question It

Why are you concerned or afraid? Why is it that you are in the same spot of existence but still moving?  Your life's choices are the sum total of the choices you have made and you alone. Why question it? You question it because the direction you ended up in was not your intended destination. Have you forgotten that your steps are ordered? Have you forgotten that His ways are better than your ways? You question it but need not. Trust Him. Reach out to Him. His arms are wide open and inviting. The question is will you go if He sends you? Yes you. Why not you? You are a gift. Priceless. Unattainable. Free and flawless in His eyes. Don't question it. Just answer and go.

No Promises

I have a heavy heart. There are so many reasons I could just crack up and cry out to my Lord. Cry I will, but crack up I will not. A childhood friend passed away recently. Rejoice in peace Phyllis Denise Gordon. The last time I saw her was a few months ago. I was waiting for traffic to move outside of Target and noticed a truck backing out of a stall. The driver did look but almost hit a car, the car was hers. She was standing next me and didn't know it because she was looking at the truck too shouting noooooooooooooo. She turned to her right and I was there. She gave me the biggest smile and the tightest hug. We said I love you. My heart is sad, but I rejoice in knowing she is with the Father, the Healer of all that ales. I rejoice feeling that hug and thankful for that moment. I will always remember your smile Denise. I know what her family is feeling right now because I too lost a sister, my big sister. This has made me think back as death often does. Think on loved ones gone ...

Happy Mothers Day 2014

Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers and Fathers who are doing the job of a Mother. This is also for all of the Foster Parents, God has you doing for the least of them that are in need. Thank you from this foster child who had a wonderful Foster Mother, Mrs. Sylvia R. Jones, rejoice in peace Fatty. Her nickname was Fatty. This day is for you. To smile and rejoice. To celebrate all that you are in your childrens lives. To those who's children are still home. Your job is still being done. Keep doing it. Keep raising. Keep setting the example. They are watching every move you make and don't make. They will do more of what you show them more than what you say to them, keep speaking life and encouragement into your children. To all of the Mothers whos children are raised and grown and on thier own. You made it. But its not over. Your head work and sacrafice piad off and you have done good. Be prepred to intrsuct them in their adulthood. Listen to them with your heart and yo...

The Spoken Word

Proverbs 18:21 KJV - Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.   What this means is that every word that comes out of your mouth can give life or kill a life. Every word spoken will come back to you. Many of you think you have the right to say what you want to say and when. You don't, not in Gods eyes and instruction. You do not have the right to harm others with your mouth. Once you speak those words you can never take them back. Even though you say "I am sorry"  it never erases the pain you have caused emotionally. Trust and value are diminished. Respecting you can be hard for the one or ones you have offended.  Verbal abuse should never be accepted or tolerated. Abuse is abuse. As we age we should mature. As we mature we should have mastered some things and eliminated some issues. This can only happen by asking God to help you. Matthew 11:28 NLT says, Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all who are weary and car...

Being Revealed

A while back I posted a blog called Pearls. Go to it and read all three posts. It is about women who don't know their worth. Today I feel a need to revisit this topic. I am blown away by the many women who are no doubt in pain. Walking around with masks. Hiding behind careers, men, shopping, chemical addiction and the list never ends. I know what it looks like because I too used to hide behind whatever I could that resembled happiness.  I too faked it. I too ignored it. I was just as lost until one day the overhead light came on. All that I thought was good, was love, was real became illuminated. God showed me what He saw and in turn I saw it too. Up close and personal. Until we acknowledge who we really are we will continue to wear that mask. Until we stop and do a self check all of our efforts at peace will continue to elude us and we will continue to spiral out of control. Nothing will give us peace except God and His unfailing love.  Step out of the box and see yoursel...