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Showing posts from October, 2014

Get Ready For Happy

I have been on a sail boat riding the waves in my life. Praise God that I know He can calm every storm.   The holidays are upon us. Time to get the house in gear, pull out those decorations, and prepare the greeting cards.  I know for many of you this time of the year may be hard, emotional, and hair pulling stressful. I know because I struggle to keep a happy face. I lost my mother right before Christmas on December 11 th so the Thanksgiving and Christmas season are emotionally draining. Even though it has been over 30 years, I still have a moment of uneasiness. There are times when I just want to stay under my blanket and not move until January 1. I don’t want to hear Christmas music, I dread going to the stores because of the mass production of happy people doing their happy shopping clogging up every parking space. I just want it to go away. Not going to happen with 6 grand-children and all of my wonderful friends who go all out during this time of the year. Happy....

Surrender part 2

In my recent post called Surrender,  I shared a book called The 40-Day Surrender Fast by Dr. Celest Oewns. Visit for more information. We are on day 19. Here is what the Lord has revealed to me during this fast. Since starting the fast my spirit has been challenged. God is revealing confirmations of many feelings I have. One in particular is the church body.  I have seen much and heard lots and I have been fighting the push from God. I have been a member of my congregation every since a teenager, I am now 52. You see, sometimes God will cause you to be uncomfortable in a place you may feel comfort. To get you to clearly see outside of your familiar. Listen to the Holy Spirit. I had a dream this morning. This dream was a setting where many church members were gathered, everyone all dressed in their Sunday best however, I was not. I was dressed unlike them. The Holy Spirit spoke to me saying see them, they are loosing in building the Kingdom. Powerful affect....