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Showing posts from July, 2015

Meet Belinda S. Hunter

  Welcome. Meet July’s author of the month, Belinda Hunter. This lady is a powerhouse in her own right. Publisher, author, and clothing line designer. I had the pleasure of reading a first book for me called, Waiting On My Cue and let me just say, it was real upfront and on point. The story drew you in. I felt like I was watching the movie of my neighborhoood with real life characters and issues that we woman and   men face when dating. Belinda mentioned in her book a shoe brand and description. She gave such a tasty description of the shoe, why was I online literally looking for the brand only to learn later that is was not a real brand?, yet. Don’t judge me. I wanted to get me a pair of these shoes. She made them sound like a shoe a girl needed in her collection. Belinda held nothing back in this story and book two, No Longer Waiting was just as powerful. Belinda was true to form here and she did not lose momentum.   Belinda’s book, When They Show You Believe T...

God’s Ways Are The Wisest

    Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding, but a rod is for the back of him who is devoid of understanding. Wise people store up knowledge, but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction. Proverbs 10:12-14 I have had many trials and setbacks. I am still in a storm, but I am steady and unmovable. I have been at my highest of joy and at my lowest in despair. The one true constant in my life is knowing that through it all, God is my source of comfort. The word of God and prayer reals me back to that place of peace and contentment. The Holy Spirit nudges me to a place of calm and for that I am grateful.  With health issues, financial issues, relationship issues and the list is large, we can easily fall into a slump thus allowing the enemy to slide in and cause our thoughts and actions to run a course of dread, like a runaway train on a greasy track unable to stop, and when it does stop it’s like an explosion of two worlds colliding. As I g...

Greater Strength

With the recent tragedy in Charleston, SC, I am sure millions are still processing how a young man or anyone for that matter can walk into a church and kill innocent people. It does not matter what their reason may be, it is just something we here in American have not fully experience.  Let’s continue to keep the families and the community in our prayers In third world countries the mass killings of Christians is known and felt, but not here in America. The media coverage is full of many stories where men, woman, and children are running for their lives all because they believe in Jesus Christ and profess their beliefs as Christians. My heart goes out to these families. I could not imagine this type of dreadful and horrendous persecution. Acts 9:1-2 in the New Living Translations says, Meanwhile, Saul was uttering threats with every breath and was eager to kill the Lord’s followers. So he went to the high priest. He requested letters addressed to the synagogues in D...