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Showing posts from 2018

Stepping Back To Unveil

It has been a while since I have posted on the blog because I had nothing to say. I could not until now, put anything of substance in to words, here I am today. I pray that what I share with you today sparks your gears into motion. I pray that you will take the time out to evaluate where you are and where you desire to be and do. I pray that you understand that tomorrow truly is not promised and what you do and what you have to offer the world is revealed for the greater good of all of us, including you. Because you matter.  , For the past few months I have been in under a huge dark cloud. No real writing at all, just a little here and there. Reading has not been on the agenda either and for those who know me, know that I love to read. I have been unconsciously blazing through my days with this dark cloud of uncertainty. I'm over it. As a woman with clinical depression and anxiety, I am fully aware that some days are good, some are great, and then there are those d...

Have You Given Up? Don't You Dare

Here comes Moses. Let my people go, he said. Imagine how Pharaoh felt when the plagues started hitting his little village. Can you imagine being pool side, sipping on your ice cold beverage, looking at the pretty blue water, and then all of a sudden it turns blood red. Red. Blood.   How about them frogs dropping out of the sky? Yeah, that for me would be a major trip. God and his infinite wisdom knows exactly how to get our attention, just as He did with Pharaoh.  Though Moses tried to talk God out of using him, Moses still obeyed. Let my people go, he said. God will cause and allow chaos to usher us into obedience. Hear me, God causes some situations to take place and others He allows.   Pharaoh was so set on the fact that he was not going to do what God told him to do, and he kept right on with his privileged life. Until God threw him a frenzy, like a 360 spinout. It’s really all about knowing the heart of God and His love for us. Just as our earthly parents wou...

Obtaining Peace Of Mind

On December 30, 2017, I enjoyed a bus ride. I sat snug in a leather seat aboard a Greyhound bus heading to Daytona Beach, Florida.  I could have flown for an hour and gotten there in a snap, but the adventurer in me chose a 4 hour and 50 minute ride instead. I'm sure you have twisted your face, asking why would she pick a bus over a plane? Here is my why. We all live our lives on extreme over drive. We wake up to rush to do whatever it is we must do. All day we rush. All day we are moving and shaking. At the end of the day, we rush home in rush hour traffic to rush, and then we shut down to only wake up to do it all over again. Tired is an understatement when the alarm goes off. Or if you are like me, an insomniac, you are looking at the clock when it sounds off. We repeat this cycle day after day and week after week and our bodies are screaming, STOP! But we don't stop.  Saturday is the day to get something done. So where is our rest?  We want everything now. We cre...