It came to me this morning that we are missjng the mark. We must use the whole word of God and not just parts of it that we feel most comfortable with. We must be obedient to the full gospel in order for our blessings to be fully realized.
Isasih 1:19 KJV - If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Is it clear?
Lets look at this same verse in the New Living Translation which says - If you will obey me and let me help you, then you will have plenty to eat. Ummmmm.
I don't know about you but I want to have plenty of Gods blessings. Everyday we as Gods children his foot soldiers are to be doing the hard work in building the kingdom of God. We are to witness to the broken and the lost. We are to share the good news and the love of Christ. Share with them that they are loved and there is rest to be found for their soul. Matthew chapter 11 talks about that rest. I wonder what it would be like to see this work maifested. I wonder how much darkness would be present if we all were doing just what God said to do.
Though we cannot eradicate sin and darkness, broken spirits or sin, God can. We cannot save anyones soul, God can. I am saddened by the carelessness of many who I hear profess Christ but are not living or acting Christlike.
My prayer is that we all come to the tealization that God is real and He will not let His word return to Him void.eaning, He will do jist what He said.
Isasih 1:19 KJV - If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Is it clear?
Lets look at this same verse in the New Living Translation which says - If you will obey me and let me help you, then you will have plenty to eat. Ummmmm.
I don't know about you but I want to have plenty of Gods blessings. Everyday we as Gods children his foot soldiers are to be doing the hard work in building the kingdom of God. We are to witness to the broken and the lost. We are to share the good news and the love of Christ. Share with them that they are loved and there is rest to be found for their soul. Matthew chapter 11 talks about that rest. I wonder what it would be like to see this work maifested. I wonder how much darkness would be present if we all were doing just what God said to do.
Though we cannot eradicate sin and darkness, broken spirits or sin, God can. We cannot save anyones soul, God can. I am saddened by the carelessness of many who I hear profess Christ but are not living or acting Christlike.
My prayer is that we all come to the tealization that God is real and He will not let His word return to Him void.eaning, He will do jist what He said.
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