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Get Your Harvest

I work for World Vision. I am blessed. I love it. Working for a Christian organization has the best perk, God, and He is all up in it for me. The best part are the chapel service we hold every Wednesday. And yesterday was chapel day. In our streaming we were unable to see the scheduled event so I suggested viewing Zion's River Church of Tacoma Wa. Thank you Tamara Beane. The message presented was awesome. Aaron Hunter who gave the message hit the nail on the head. We can not give up. We must step forward in faith because we are a blessed people of God. I felt like it was Sunday morning and I wanted to shout and praise God just like I was in Sunday service, I held it together just a little. The tears and emotion from the Holy Spirit confirmed yet again what God is saying saying to me and He is whispering to you too.

Though we are in a spiritual famine and a physical famine, we will gain double and in that gaining we must sometimes leave our present space and go into a new land and conquer. Here is an example. Genesis 26:1 NLT reads, Now a severe famine struck the land, as has happened before in Abraham's time. So Issac moved from Gerar, where Abimelech, king of the Philistines, lived. The Lord appeared to him and said, "Do not go to Egypt. Do as I say and stay in this land. If you do what I say I will bless you. I will give all this land to you and your descendants, just as I solemnly promised Abraham, your father. Now, jump over to Genesis 26:12-20 NLT. I will point to the beginning of verse 12 which reads, That year Issac's crops were tremendous! He harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him. 

Obedience. OBEDIENCE Obedience. It all comes down to obeying God and His direction and commandments. Keeping God in first position. A friend of mine said to me,  delay is not denial. I thought on that and let it sink in. She is right. We will be delayed for a time. We will be discouraged and we will want to give up. Stop. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Keep your footing. I have found myself discouraged and in that I am quick to make snap decisions. Stop. Press pause I tell myself because I know God and I want and desire to be the recipient of His blessings. Why? It is simple. His ways are better than my ways and His thoughts are better than my thoughts. All good gifts do come from the Lord. 

I encourage you to stand firm in the message and gifts you have been given. Remove all negative thoughts that you are not worthy, that you can't do it, this is the talk of the enemy and no weapon formed against you will prosper. Don't believe the lies of satan or anyone who tries to distract you. When you are being blessed, the attack on you increases. Fight. Praise God. Usher in the Holy Spirit, the helper.

Get your thoughts in line with what God says and watch your harvest grow. Take action. Take authority. You are a winner. 

You are BLESSED. 


  1. This piece really touched me Lyn. Amazing how God gives me exactly what I need just when I need it. Thank you for allowing him to use you in such a way. It gets hard at times although wrong know his word to be true, but sometimes we are not obedient because we are scared to stand on faith. As much as I hate to admit it I have been guilty of this myself. And God has had to put me in positions where I had no other choice but to wait on him. And he always showed up. Experienced lots of delays but never denied.

    1. So glad my words have blessed you. Thank you for sharing and for being an inspiration.


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