Everyday I seek something new. I am hungry for it. I thirst after it. God's will. In every area of my being I try to see something new be it in the trees or the many faces I see. In a whisper or the thunder. All around us is something to be appreciative of. Our hardships are nothing compared to the many lives that sleep under bridges, in cars and eat out of trash cans. Children starving. Elderly ignored. Mental and physical illness. The list goes on.
I can never give God enough praise for all that He has done for me and all that He has not. I am more appreciative of what He has not done. Most only seek God when disaster stricks but soon as the storm clears they go right back to what ever it was they were doing and often times God is no where in it. It is written that you can not serve two masters. It is written that God is a jealous God. It is written that every knee will bow and every tougne will confess.
This is where the new comes in. I don't want to be the same. I want to gain something valuable not for me but for the use in building Gods kingdom one soul at a time. I want to be used for a greater good not for meaningless position or mere pats on the back. I don't need nor want recognition, that is all for God's glory. He is worthy of all the praise. I am not a perfect being but I am a chosen vessel. And as the Potter molds me and makes me, I will be what He desires me to be.
1 Chronicles 7:14 NLT-Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.
Here I am Lord, use me. He can use you too, if you let Him.
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