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Every now and then I want to give up. I want to walk out of my door get into my car and drive and not return. Leave it all to the wolves. Disconnect from it all. From the angry faces and genuine smiles. From the empty words and lack luster dreams, the so called American dream. Just give it up. I want to toss in the towel and waive the white flag. I give. I give. All of us are facing some situation or circumstance. No one is exempt from facing hardships. Guess what? That is exactly what God wants us to do. Give it up, to Him. He is waiting with open arms for you to say, Lord I can't do it anymore.

Dr. Celeste Ownens wrote a wonderful book called, The 40-Day Surrender  Fast - The Guide for Releasing Your Plan, Renewing Your Mind, and Restoring Your Life. Let me say this, get the book and work it, work it, work it. The fast consists of surrendering a stronghold or a blessing blocking issue. It is giving up something that is keeping you from God's absolute best. Dr. Owens shares godly wisdom and familiar life issues that we all can relate too. At the end of each chapter there are reflective questions. There is also a companion journal. There is a daily prayer call and this is my favorite. You can also listen to the prayer calls on her website.  She has a panel that shares words of encouragement and let me tell you, I have been truly blessed and encouraged. You can learn more at Go on over and take a look and get on board. You will not be disappointed. You will be forever changed.

When I committed to the fast that is when satan increased his attack, but God. I am so thankful for this journey. I am seeing clearer, feeling more prominent focus, and most of all I am feeling much closer to God.  I feel the scales falling from my eyes. Acts chapter 9 talks about a man named Saul. He killed Christians. On his way to kill again much like what is happening in Iraq and other countries God blinded him and asked him, why are you persecuting me? Saul was blinded. He had to be led away. In his time of blindness I have to believe that he knew. He knew a change was about to come. He was chosen. I am sure he was questioning why him. It was all a part of God's master plan. Well let me tell you, God will do that to us. He will blind us to get our attention. He will allow hardship to force us to seek Him in spirit and in truth. Most times we blind ourselves with the things we hold dear in our lives and the way in which we live our lives. Addiction, lust, greed, selfishness to name a few are strongholds. The neglect of others, is a stronghold. Anything that you place higher than God is an idol and God says in Exodus 20:3 NLT, Do not worship any other gods besides me. The time is now to step out in faith and step into a whole new way of life. Isaiah 55:8-9. Step into God's master plan. We must look within and acknowledge our mess. Once we do this, we must then admit them and surrender them all to God.

I will not give up or give in. Today, is a new day. Yesterday is gone.  I love the life that I have right now and it is getting better. As I decrease, God is increasing. I am praising God because He chose me for such a time as this.

 God has chosen you too. Accept the call and surrender it all to Him.


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