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Meet Sheryl Lister Renowned Author

I had the wonderful pleasure of talking with Sheryl Lister. Author of, Just To Be With You published in August 2014. Her new novel, All Of Me will be out early 2015. The warmth and grace exudes in her conversation. Her passion for writing evident.  Talking for over 2 hours, I learned much and feel as though we are kindred spirits.  What I learned also is that you can not let life sideline you from reaching your goal and pursuing your passions. I am pleased to introduce her to you.

Sheryl Lister has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember. After putting writing on the back burner for several years, she became serious about her craft in 2009. She writes contemporary and inspirational romance and romantic suspense. When she’s not reading, writing or playing chauffeur, Sheryl can be found on a date with her husband or in the kitchen creating appetizers and bite-sized desserts. Sheryl resides in California and is a wife, mother of three and pediatric occupational therapist. 

Book Blurb: All Of Me coming in January 2015 

Declaring a “dating hiatus” was an easy decision for teacher Karen Morris. She intends to unwind and enjoy a luxurious Caribbean cruise without the presence of her cheating ex-boyfriend. But surprisingly all it takes is the deliciously sculpted form of chivalrous businessman Damian Bradshaw to turn Karen’s head and change her mind....

Damian’s friends are determined to save him from his widowerhood—and self-imposed celibacy. But no one is more shocked than Damian when Karen catches his attention and awakens his desire. Something about her ignites an insatiable need that neither of them can deny. The chemistry is inexplicable. But once back on dry land, real life awaits—along with their pasts. Will the promise of a bright future be enough to rehabilitate their reluctant hearts?

I asked Sheryl a few questions and here is what she shared.

1.     Why did you want to be a writer?

I’ve always loved reading and writing and could always be found with a pencil and paper. As I grew up, my love for the written word increased and I dreamed of penning my own stories and letting my imagination run free. So, I guess the reason I wanted to be a writer is because I love to write.

2.     Tell us a little bit about what you’re currently writing?

Currently, I’m multi-tasking with several projects.  I have a holiday novella to finish, edits on my third Kimani Romance novel, and edits on a romantic suspense novel.

3.     What do you enjoy most about connect with your readers?

By far, what I enjoy most about connecting with readers is developing relationships born out of our mutual love of books. Hopefully, some of those relationships will turn into life-long friendships.

Thank you for having me, Sheryl.
You will find Sheryl at and You can also visit her website at and at Facebook at
Happy Ready


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