Today, the world is experiencing another tragedy. Paris, France
was shaken by multiple bombings with the killing of over 100 people. This
latest event marks the worst this country has experienced in decades. Is it the
last? No. Can Paris recover? Yes, and recover they will.
Nowhere in God’s word does it tell us that we won’t face persecution,
but to the contrary, it tells us that we will. The persecution that has taken place
not only in Paris, but in the United States, Africa, in Europe just to name a
few, should not be looked at as some fly by night event. No, we should be
reminded that evil is everywhere and death follows evil. We must remember that
our will and resolve will continuously be tested, and in that testing, our
faith will be shaken. A test of wills, a test of the fight to stand naked
amongst those whose soul desire is to annihilate and destroy the peace and
freedom that so many of us have taken for granted. For those of us who read and study God’s word, this sad event should not be of surprise. We know that death is a self-imposed birth right if you will for many who claim that their higher power demands it. There are many who seek to steal the joy, kill as many, and destroy any semblance of freedom. Going to the movies has taken on a new awareness, fear. Children going to school no longer feel free to dream as once before, now wake to a new fear. The military uniform is no longer looked upon as a badge of honor, but of disdain and fear.
I am reminded yet still in all things even in disaster
to give praise. In all things give a resounding shout of faith because the
storm will be calmed when Jesus Christ
returns. Prayer and preparation are the tools for peace in our spirit man. We
cannot give a continuous voice to all that the enemy is doing and will continue
to do. We as God’s children must stay battle ready. We must gird up our loin
clothes and bow down to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit knowing that
this too shall pass.
We must stand like the trees planted by the waters, not moved.
We must stand like the trees planted by the waters, not moved.
Be Blessed
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