As we enter into 2016, today's reflection is more than fitting.
Faith - To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.
I wrote the following several years ago and I think it is fitting for today's reflection.
"Desire will create passion and passion will then override fear and limitation. Sometimes you will clearly see how things should be, but realize you are not living in what you see, which will cause dissatisfaction in your soul. Dissatisfaction will then create a determination inside of you to change what is not seen in the natural, into what is only known in the spiritual. Faith".
My bothers and sisters, dig down deep and pull up your faith. Restoration can only be materialized in God's time when we have that faith, the size of the mustard seed. As you go into this new year, rise up and do that which you know you were created to do. Rise up and take your places in your homes and communities. As we hear it said, tomorrow is not promised us. You may close your eyes tonight and wake the next, one less smile, one less "I love you", one less hug, one last breath.
Be Blessed
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