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Showing posts from 2014

Get Off Of The Sidelines

      Looking back over 2014 I realize that I have been living life on the sidelines. Even though 2014 started out with gusto. I failed. I was going to do this and yes I was going to do that. I started out dragging life by the nose and running. I slowly lost momentum. I stopped in my own tracks and fell on my face. I became hostage to the health issues. I became hostage to the financial issues. I became stand offish to dating or even the idea of dating. I did not do anything I set out to do. I did not write like I promised myself that I would. I did not do a quarter of what I said I would do. I put myself on the sidelines. I hear it again what a friend of mine said, denial is not delay. I also hear that just because you did not finish does not mean that you cannot finish. I no longer cheered for those who were making power moves and shaking off dead leaves. I no longer had the momentum to run let alone lace up by tennis shoes. I stood in my own sand box and play...


Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga , professor of Africana Studies at California State University, Long Beach, author and scholar-activist who stresses the indispensable need to preserve, continually revitalize and promote African American culture.    Finally, it is important to note Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday, not a religious one, thus available to and practiced by Africans of all religious faiths who come together based on the rich, ancient and varied common ground of their Africanness. *Summarized from -- Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture, 2008, Los Angeles: University of Sankore Press ( ). Kwanzaa is an African American and Pan-African holiday which celebrates family, community and culture. Celebrated from 26 December thru 1 January, its origins are in the first harvest celebrations of Africa from which it takes its name. ...

Meet Sheryl Lister Renowned Author

          I had the wonderful pleasure of talking with Sheryl Lister. Author of, Just To Be With You published in August 2014. Her new novel, All Of Me will be out early 2015. The warmth and grace exudes in her conversation. Her passion for writing evident.   Talking for over 2 hours, I learned much and feel as though we are kindred spirits.  What I learned also is that you can not let life sideline you from reaching your goal and pursuing your passions. I am pleased to introduce her to you. Sheryl Lister has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember. After putting writing on the back burner for several years, she became serious about her craft in 2009. She writes contemporary and inspirational romance and romantic suspense. When she’s not reading, writing or playing chauffeur, Sheryl can be found on a date with her husband or in the kitchen creating appetizers and bite-sized desserts. Sheryl resides in California a...

Almost Over

2014 is almost over. Have you kept the many resolutions that you made in 2013? I stopped making New Year resolutions long ago. I prefer to call them goals because a goal is more attainable. One of the goals I have already initiated is to no longer entertain anyone or anything that is not a positive and consistent spiritual influence in my growing life. There are some weak links. For many many years I have stretched and snapped back as an empty vessel. My own self fault.  I understand that we chose what is important, or maybe not. I understand the power that many give to excuses while being afraid of the solutions because that means actually doing the unfamiliar or unthinkable. Worried about what others may think. No one is exempt from doing their part in relation to showing and proving to thine own self because there is nothing to ever be proven to another. Becoming a vapor, a breeze, a thought, I am evolving. God said, He is the Potter and I am the clay. I am on the Potters w...

Think And Take Action

It goes without saying that we are our own enemy. Oh yes. We castrate every good thing that comes our way. Why? Mental and emotional bondage. Generational curses. Instead of looking forward with excitement and action we look back afraid to let go of the mess, paralyzed.   We have been operating in survival mode. Barely making it. Robing Peter, Jack, Jane, and Paul to make ends meet but, those ends never meet do they? The cycle continues. Are we paying attention? There is no time like the present to turn it around.   There is no time like the present to clean up our slate. Right now each of us can say to ourselves that we ain’t about that life. Yes I said that. Oh you know what life I am talking about. That blame life. That it’s not my fault life. That the party don’t start until we get there life. That spin cycle that ultimately stops and then starts again. We are not the life of the party. But wait. We are valuable. We are priceless. We are authentic. But we fail to se...

Don't Quit

For many months I have been pushing myself. Pushing mentality, physically, and emotionally. Just a pushin and not going anywhere. I have long since been sick and tired of being sick and tired. I have allowed and again I say, I have allowed some things to take form in my life and by doing so I have failed God, myself and others.  I have stepped out of the will of God for my life. No, not gave up on God but stepped out of obedience of His word. No, not the obedience of what man says I should or should not do.  Because I am trying to be a fixer and being unable to fix the it, I shut down. I am trying to fleshly solve situations and emotions only God can fix. Oh don't get me wrong, I love and continue to give God praise. I just realized I am in that spit again. That place where you jump out of the box and look back and say, what the Charlie Brown am I doing? Why am I doing that? STOP! No worries though because see this. No weapons formed against me will prosper because God is ...

It Starts With Us

Currently the greatest sadness in the media is the verdict or the lack of a verdict in Ferguson, Mo. History yet again is being repeated in mighty proportions. The message is clear with anger uncut and raw for many Americans especially African Americans. City officials are not sure what direction to go in all the while grasping at straws. The pain is unimaginable for anyone who has not experienced it personally, the loss of a child in any capacity. I raised 2 sons. Raising black children in the 80’s and 90’s had its own set of chaos. Drugs, gang violence, unwanted teenage pregnancies and murder. As a mother I lived in fear and sadness. Fear of the unknown for my sons even though I raised them with all I had. Fear of the streets being more appealing than the discipline administered at home and the needs that were met. Fear of that phone call telling me that one or both of my sons were dead due to gang violence. Fear because the street in so many ways did have a grasp. Fear tha...

A Want Or A Need

You have confused wants with needs. You want better for yourself but you are stuck in a feeling. Stuck on things, people, organizations, and feelings. You think there is no hope so you remain where you are pointing blame and being angry. Being emotionally bound by that which you can break free of. Look around you. Look within you. There are things, people, and situations that you must evaluate and eliminate. Is that a want or a need? Taking the step will be har d but look on the bright side, you won't be stuck. You will have moved forward one elimination at a time. Stop allowing insignificant situations to hold you back from your goals. Learn from the lessons by standing the test called life. Stop blaming outside forces for your lack of attention. Stop participating in the games others play all the while changing the rules. Stop giving your God given power away. The priceless gift of knowing Christ will give you your power. Why? Because Philippians 4:13 says so. Its says...

A Beautiful Mind

      A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11  Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12  For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13  Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14  Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16  In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 17  Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God...

Get Ready For Happy

I have been on a sail boat riding the waves in my life. Praise God that I know He can calm every storm.   The holidays are upon us. Time to get the house in gear, pull out those decorations, and prepare the greeting cards.  I know for many of you this time of the year may be hard, emotional, and hair pulling stressful. I know because I struggle to keep a happy face. I lost my mother right before Christmas on December 11 th so the Thanksgiving and Christmas season are emotionally draining. Even though it has been over 30 years, I still have a moment of uneasiness. There are times when I just want to stay under my blanket and not move until January 1. I don’t want to hear Christmas music, I dread going to the stores because of the mass production of happy people doing their happy shopping clogging up every parking space. I just want it to go away. Not going to happen with 6 grand-children and all of my wonderful friends who go all out during this time of the year. Happy....

Surrender part 2

In my recent post called Surrender,  I shared a book called The 40-Day Surrender Fast by Dr. Celest Oewns. Visit for more information. We are on day 19. Here is what the Lord has revealed to me during this fast. Since starting the fast my spirit has been challenged. God is revealing confirmations of many feelings I have. One in particular is the church body.  I have seen much and heard lots and I have been fighting the push from God. I have been a member of my congregation every since a teenager, I am now 52. You see, sometimes God will cause you to be uncomfortable in a place you may feel comfort. To get you to clearly see outside of your familiar. Listen to the Holy Spirit. I had a dream this morning. This dream was a setting where many church members were gathered, everyone all dressed in their Sunday best however, I was not. I was dressed unlike them. The Holy Spirit spoke to me saying see them, they are loosing in building the Kingdom. Powerful affect....


Every now and then I want to give up. I want to walk out of my door get into my car and drive and not return. Leave it all to the wolves. Disconnect from it all. From the angry faces and genuine smiles. From the empty words and lack luster dreams, the so called American dream. Just give it up. I want to toss in the towel and waive the white flag. I give. I give. All of us are facing some situation or circumstance. No one is exempt from facing hardships. Guess what? That is exactly what God wants us to do. Give it up, to Him. He is waiting with open arms for you to say, Lord I can't do it anymore. Dr. Celeste Ownens wrote a wonderful book called, The 40-Day Surrender  Fast - The Guide for Releasing Your Plan, Renewing Your Mind, and Restoring Your Life. Let me say this, get the book and work it, work it, work it. The fast consists of surrendering a stronghold or a blessing blocking issue. It is giving up something that is keeping you from God's absolute...


I wish at times that I could go back in time. Back when honesty and loyalty were the badges of honor. Where respect was shown especially to the elders. Living. Where we were mindful of the words we said and who we said them too. Where Sunday was a day for God and home cooked meals around the table. Laughter. Family. Where woman taught their children instead of leaving the teaching to others, the streets. Where men were leaders of majesty and power and not hoodlums and goons, animals. Where woman were not misguided and broken pieces of  abused art but woman of class virtue royalty. Where flowers were a gift of appreciation. I wish at times that I could go back in time. I would have listened to my elders instead of ignoring their words later to learn, they were right. I would have payed attention when the words preached, all that glitters ain't gold. Why by the cow when the milk is free. I would have not allowed one mistake to turn into a habit. Habitual. I would have r...

Let Me Introduce Myself

My name is Lynette, I am also called Peace Still for those who are friends with me on Facebook. I also answer to Lyn, Nana and that lady who reads many books. I am 52 years old. I have 2 wonderful sons and 6 beautiful grand children. I live in the Pacific Northwest where the grass is green and water is all around.  I am a Seattle Seahawk fan to the tenth power. Go Hawks! I am a writer. I have been writing passionately for 15 years. I have penned many words about life, love, and the love that Christ has for us all. I don't claim to be a scholar, but I will seek and conquer that which I need to learn and embrace. I write because God has given me a desire to encourage others to live their best life, in Him and Him alone. My desire is to visit women's shelters, help the homeless and support foster care. I had a wonderful foster mother Sylvia R Jones, may she rejoice in peace. I desire to encourage others to step out of the confines of their lives an...

Scream Passion And Take Action

What is your passion? Are you sure of what your passion is? You are not alone. God has given us all a desire, a gift. There are many reasons you could not be aware of your gift. Working to pay your bills, children and the list goes on. Do not fret over what you can't do but instead direct your focus on all of the many things you can do. Writing is my passion. Writing drives me to think and ask many questions. Writing causes me to look outside of the box. You can do it. Take some time today and ask yourself, what is my passion? Don't let your present condition stop you from seeing your future condition. You were created for a time such as right now. Not when but right now. Failure only happens when you fail to act. You must take the leap of faith. No, it will not be easy but it will be worth your attention and participation. Get moving. Celebrate the greatness in you and live your passion. So I ask you again, what is your passion? Live the good life.

Personal Reflection

Matthew 5:3 NLT - God blesses those who realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is given them. To those of you who live with a chronic illness, don't loose heart. Don't feel that you are alone. Though you may not know what each day holds, God does and he is right there with you. He knows your pain because He felt it on the cross. He has a plan. In the past 3 years my life has been turned upside down with the illness that confuses me. The pain at times is breath taking, literally. Physical movement, missing in action. There are times I want to give up but the God in me will not allow it. There are times when I want to act a straight donkey (picture her bucking). There are times that my faith abandons me. I know God's got it and He has the plan. As Paul says, fight the good fight. We win. We have won. The victory song is already playing. The battle is really not ours, it is His. Do what you must and what you can. Pray and pray. Cry and cry some more. There...

You Matter

This is for you who are hurting in the dark while wearing the mask during the day. You are a gift but not to all because you represent authority, maturity, grace, and dignity. You have standards and boundaries. You have vision and passion.  You seek and desire wisdom. You want to elevate to the next level, God's best. But what a shame when you know some only pretend to appreciate you when its convenient for them. Stop them in their tracks. Many suffer in silence due to neglect, abandonment, and affections withheld. Offered lies of love. Don't be one of them. They are showing you how they truly feel about you and what value they place on your presence in their imaginary world. Their fate will be rewarded the same measure they have shown. Pray and give them over. God can and will BREAK every chain in the name of Jesus. Take authentic authority and rise. Live in priority and on purpose. Love yourself and remember also that God loves you, unconditionally. You matter.

Rightful Place

If you put God first in your life everything else will be in alignment. It is written. Read this slowly and think about it. Make the choice, make changes, and watch God work. There is peace. There will be calm in your spirit and you will handle things that happen in your life so much better. When you have trials and you will, you must go to God first.  Don't crash and burn. Some of us are already smoldering because we go to everyone and everything else when we should go to God first. If you reject God He will reject you. Turn it around. Place God in His rightful place today.  Be Blessed. Matthew 10 New Living Translation (NLT) Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles 10 Jesus called his twelve disciples together and gave them authority to cast out evil[a] spirits and to heal every kind of disease and illness. 2 Here are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (also called Peter), then Andrew (Peter’s brother), James (son of Zebedee), John (James’s brother), 3 Ph...

Lord, I Thank You

As I sit here today thanking God for another year. There are only a few things I passionately desire. Family unity and unconditional love. I don't want them forced. I want them graciously free. I have seen a lot and been through much and for all of it I am humbled. Through life's lessons I have learned the measure of life. Through the many sayings of my elders I have kept watch and stayed prayerful. Through many closed doors and failed attempts, I have learned my value and what is truly important. Nothing has been wasted. My heart has been shredded but has long been mended. My self-esteem at many points had been depleted but the cup now runs over. I have given up the best parts of me to the undeserving but God made the deposit of restoration.  I have compromised Gods best for satans lies and I believed the lies of many. Thank God for His word of truth that is not a vessel of lies but of love and freedom. Thank God for his healing beauty for many ashes. Thank God for His uncha...

Standing On The Top

It is 6:00 am and I am at my desk getting ready to start the work day and a song by The Temptations called ”Standing On The Top” rang in my head. Talk about a blast from thepast. The song is from 1994 and it was a major R&B hit.  I love the classic. When you hit a snag in your life, how do you react? Our bodies react to stress, joy, pain, and anger. You name it our body will react.  The brain is its own function with electrical currents that send signals throughout the entire body. From the smallest hair follicle to the smallest toe nail something will react.  Stick a needle in your finger and no doubt your body will flinch. Try it. We are all in a situation or circumstance, this is a part of life and the master plan. We also have choices on how we will react to those situations and circumstances.  2 Timothy 1:7 in the Amplified Bible says: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has g...


Being happy is a choice. No matter what you have been dealing with, you have a choice. Sad thing is many fall into the victim of the "woe is me" box. Guess what? You are not alone. Many want to call someone and complain but never have or even want a solution. God is your source. You are the only one responsible for how you choose to feel. No one can bring you happiness unless your heart and mind are open to receive that happiness. God is your peace and comfort. So for today, step back out of your putty box and smile. Why? Because what ever it is that is going on right now one thing is for sure, you are not dead. You are alive in Christ. James 1:2-4 NLT Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. Count it all joy.


I am learning that many take God's word for granted, they misconstrued, and ignore it until hardship happens. Many ignore the fact that God is a god of order and obedience. Turning our lives over to Christ and accepting Him means we turn away from the old fleshly nature and behaviors and walk upright. Many believe that unequally yoked is only related to marriage, it is not. Many only read a few scriptures on Sunday and dust collects during the week. Some do not take their Bible to church relying on the messanger. Just as we must eat daily food for physical nourishment, we also  must eat daily God's spiritual word to have a sustained life. We must die daily. We must decrease so that He can increase. Many are truly called but only a few will be chosen. God can use anyone but His word is clear about what He hates. What I do understand is that most care more about how humans will accept and treat them more than how God feels and what He says. Sad state of affairs. Not all that ...

Awesome You

Do you find yourself spinning out of control? Have you looked at where you are and wondered what happened? You are not alone. We set goals and create a multitude of to-do lists only accomplishing to cross out a few. We become discouraged and start to speak self defeating words into our spirit. Stop. You are right where you are supposed to be. Look at it as if you have been delayed for a time. I have felt stuck for a few months but today I have clarity. I am rejuvenated. I know my purpose because I know who I am and Who's I am. The Father knows best the plans for me and you. Nothing catches Him by surprise. So pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Stop beating yourself up over yesterday and celebrate in your today. You are a gift. Unwrap and marvel at the awesomeness of you. Be Blessed

The Journey

Today I spent time in thought. I tossed around in my head and heart my purpose. Looking out over the waters of Chambers Bay in University Place, Washington pictured above, I walked for 2 miles starting at 6:45 AM and I spoke with God and I listened. I praised Him and thanked Him. I watched as the trees moved with the soft morning breeze. I listened to the birds sing their melodies. I heard Him and I felt peace. I know the plans I have for you, I heard Him. Trust Me, I heard Him. My grace is sufficient, I heard Him. Too often we busy ourselves with menial tasks that only take us away from the goal, the purpose, His purpose. We allow outside forces to push us down and we loose power.  We become frustrated and angry then we give up. Stop. Settle down and listen to the Master. The Manufacturer of who you are has it mapped out. Surrender your will to His and He will give you the desires of your heart, but you must first surrender. I know how you feel. Exhausted and burnt out...

Mindset of Defeat

In all of the countless conversations that I have with others, the verbal implication is defeat. Defeat due to finances. Defeat due to relationships. Defeat due to loss of employment. Defeat due to past unresolved situations. Defeat because of what someone said or did. Defeat. Defeat and more defeat. So many have accepted the trials they are facing as final walking around with negative attitudes saying, this is who I am. Talking in such a way that it can make many not want to deal with them and if mentioned, they say well if you don’t like it don’t talk to me. This is sad and depressing. Defeat. We do not have to live our lives this way. We do not have to allow the circumstances of life to form who we become negatively. We do not have to lie to ourselves and others that the way we act is who we are. We do however have the ability to live and speak positively.  Just like we choose what we will or will not eat, we also have the ability to choose the negative attitudes or positive. ...