Looking back over 2014 I realize that I have been living life on the sidelines. Even though 2014 started out with gusto. I failed. I was going to do this and yes I was going to do that. I started out dragging life by the nose and running. I slowly lost momentum. I stopped in my own tracks and fell on my face. I became hostage to the health issues. I became hostage to the financial issues. I became stand offish to dating or even the idea of dating. I did not do anything I set out to do. I did not write like I promised myself that I would. I did not do a quarter of what I said I would do. I put myself on the sidelines. I hear it again what a friend of mine said, denial is not delay. I also hear that just because you did not finish does not mean that you cannot finish. I no longer cheered for those who were making power moves and shaking off dead leaves. I no longer had the momentum to run let alone lace up by tennis shoes. I stood in my own sand box and play...
Christ Centered Food For The Soul