Self-Determination – Kujichagulia – To define ourselves, name ourselves, to create ourselves, and speak for ourselves.
Self determination to me is just like empowering self. Many
wait on someone or something to get them in motion. Many wait for a word from
someone, or wait on a devastating event to push them to do something they
should have been doing all along. This type of mindset is stagnating and debilitating.
Yes, there are countless ways to get motivation, but the
best way to rise up is to be determined. We must continuously evaluate, remind,
and speak into ourselves. We must pray for godly wisdom and direction. We must
be humble enough to understand what God is saying to us, and to do what He has
asked us to do. God has already ordered out steps. We must know where we are
and know exactly where we desire to go. We must shed the weight of waiting. We
must stop talking ourselves out of the gifts that must be shared with others.
We must stop the negative chatter, we must remove ourselves from those who do
not have the capacity to speak life. We must also stop blocking the wisdom of
others because the speaker is not dressed how we think they should be dressed.
Wisdom does not come from a look, it garners from experiences.
My brothers and sisters, there is power in you. You hold
valuable gifts that the world is need of. Don’t allow your inspiration to only
come from outside forces, you have been blessed with God’s gifts that are not
for you alone, they are for someone who is in need of hearing or seeing what
you have to offer. Speak life into your soul. Speak love into your heart. Be specific of what you say, what you think,
and what by all means, what you participate in. Remember, what you send out
into the atmosphere comes right back to you. We are what we think. We are what
we do. We are what we say. Be specific about the colors you use to paint on
your soul’s canvas.
Be Blessed
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