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A Personal Reflection

Praise God to whom all blessings flow. As I reflect on the current events with experiencing my first hurricane here in Miami, Florida, it has really opened my eyes and heart. What is life if you don't learn anything that will take you to a higher level? In a blink all that we work for and our lives can be snatched away. We strive for material things, but do not have true love and compassion for the human race. We turn our noses up at situations we don't understand or fail miserably at trying to understand, all the while convinced that we somehow have made it. We walk around as if we know the keys to life all the while living in generational chaos. Wisdom and correction is ignored by the so called smart ones. My mother used to say, there are fools and educated fools knowing so much but knowing nothing at all. Those that have so much to say but saying nothing. Look around you and take a few steps back. Be about God's business.

Being one who struggles with clinical depression and anxiety, this Irma event SURLY could have taken me out, I was concerned, but not afraid. Anxiety tried to roar on all cylinders, but it spun itself into exhaustion because I kept before me the many promises of God. Oh yes I had a moment of spiritual and emotional  turmoil. I cried tears of, oh God. I had thoughts of running for higher ground or running back to the dark abyss I left behind in Tacoma, Washinton asking myself, why did I end up in Miami, Florida? One answer, God. So, I kept my thoughts on God and in check. This is a Victory in and of itself and anyone who struggles knows exactly what I'm talking about.

We complain, bad mouth, and lay claim to an imagenry self relience that in the end will mean nothing if we do not have wisdom. For me, hurricane Irma has set my mind more eagerly on the things of God and His will for my life. Yet I fail him daily, God never fails. Yet I stumble, God never misses a step. Many say that the natures of life are God's way of saying, get it together. Well listen up, God's love letter, His word has been our warnings and our directions, and those 66 books of life's lessons is more than enough for me and I PRAISE God that yet I am a flesh being perplexed and pressed, my spirit and soul yet rejoice.

Wars and rumors of war. Pestilence and genocide. Every dark thing that roams this earth to kill, steal, and destroy is nothing more than an opportunity again and again for God, The Great I Am, the Alpha and Omega, to show up and ultimately show out on the behalf of His chosen.  For me, I will continue to stand strong, unwavered, not compromising for the so called good things of this world, to stand up in the face of an unseen and sometimes seen enemy and say, that footstool, the heap of coals are all ready setup and placed. As Irma came in and uprooted millions of trees, I'm even more determined to be like a tree planted by the water of God's grace, not moved.

As I reflect back to continue to move forward, I've had many people come into my life. Most had their own agendas and it did not involve love, consistency, appreciation, or honesty. I've been lied on. Looked down upon and talked about behind my back. I've been devalued by those who should have seen true value. I've been abandoned emotionally and physically. For all of that and more, I'm grateful. For that, I'm glad that God saw fit to eliminate connections that served no greater good. For all of the hardships I faced I continuously offer up forgiveness and I still love. You see, when you really look at your life and accept responsibility for your parts or even the lack of, you will be able to see clearly the road of peace. You will be able to understand your value and worth. For all of it, I PRAISE God for His protection even though I may not have understood it at the time. Saved by grace.

My brothers and sisters, get it together. Look around you and most of all
look within you and determine that you will not be moved, except by the hands of God. High minded and hautiness will be your destruction. The proud who say it could not happen to them, they should think again. Remember, your journey is yours, don't expect understanding or gratification. Dont seek validation from anyone, seek the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you, Gods gifts. Do everything in honor of God. Change is needed. Love is demanded. If it were not so Jesus would not have said so.

Be Encouraged


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