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Fighting False Strengths - It's Mental

Self Development for me comes in many forms. Mostly through books,  watching people, and shear failure. My reading taste is huge as one can not rely on one avenue for growth and healing. The detrimental problem that I see today is that many fail due to not investing in themselves, not trying, not seeking, not being hungry for better. It is somehow accepted to complain, blame, and to keep dragging the muck around like a stubborn dog on a chain. People seem to forget when the car was first built, that there was a blueprint. They forgot that the only way they could have graduated from high school they had to go to class, study the books, do the lessons, and pass the tests even if it was by sweat and sleepless nights. Fear will sideline you and will leave a fowl taste in your heart for those who are unencumbered and growing . There is no failure if you don't try. The failure is in not trying. What side of the pendulum are you on?

I myself refuse to stay in a state of mental chaos for too long. I'm not one to complain or keep talking about all of the bad things, but I do spin around in my head like a spinning top. I repeat to myself, it is okay and not as bad as aI can create the situation to be. I remind myself that I am the key holder as to what I will think about. I no longer want to hit the replay button on what was or what should be. Or on who did  what or what someone didn't do.  Why? Because I must get to the other side. Everything we do or not is a result of the information we received be it negative or positive and the choices we make. How valuable is that knowledge?

Mental illness is no different. Mental illness is manifested by the information we have seen, heard, or felt. Pain unaddressed leads to the heart and mind being over powered by the reactions to that pain. What pain? Pain of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Pain of your true love being snatched away as the one you loved abandoned you. Pain because of those who you thought were your friends weren't and your family members who treat you like trash. Pain of fighting a wars you did not create or sign up to fight, killing unknown men, women, and children. Look at the Vietnam War. How many men and women do you know who went to that war sane and came back home unrecognizable? Its still happening today, but now there is a name for it, Post Traumatic Stress. Pain of stuffing every hurt, real or imagined and replacing it with a false sense of strength. Alcohol,  false strength. Drugs, false strength. Promiscuous sex, false strength. The greed of money and material things, false strength. Dressing to the nines to look good on the outside and totally obliterated on the inside, false strength. Yes, these false strengths and more can cause the mentally sane to become insane. I know because I was a part of the false strength club. Wore the the shiny badge and blinking tiara. Thank God for His grace and mercy.

Generational curses and dysfunction rises up and goes forth, generation after generation until it happens. The it is the sudden realization that your current state is not where you imagined yourself to be. But, realizing it is one thing, changing it is another because without making the change, there you will remain. In the pit. Making a change is no easy feet as with any new thing, it takes will power, desire, and a determination that announces to the world, I ain't going down like that. We must make the  choice to either lay down and give up, or square our shoulders and  for fight. Isn't your life worth fighting for? Do you truly like where you are right now?  If not, prepare for battle.

And how do you prepare for battle? Acknowledging your current state of living. Mind, body, and soul. Analyze where you are and determine where you want to be if you don't already know. Let me tell you this, you already know you just have to push into that thing and put that foot forward. The next foot is clearing out the attic, this is where you have stored everything good or bad. It is your mind. To do this is to replace the bad with good. For me, I read and research what I am struggling with. Reading stories of those who have walked the road of dysfunction and learning how they changed their lives or not is helpful in so many ways, especially when the result is a ray of sunshine and emotional freedom. Emotional bondage to me is worse than any physical bondage. So I ask you, what are you really doing for yourself? Are you in the fight of your life? Have you settled for the diagnosis or have you determined that, nope, Im not going to lay down and wither away? I say GET UP! You must do the work no matter how hard it will be. Isn't your life worth it? Don't you owe it to yourself to be the best that you can be? Remember, self love means doing everything within your power to present your beautiful self to the world? Yes, you ARE worth it.

My brothers and sisters, there is noone like you. There is noone who can do what God has specifically created and ordained you to do. Self Developement is scary yet easy to achieve. None of us can go back in time to change things, we only have the right here and right now to press the play button instead of the replay button on our lives. And if you do happen to hit that replay button a few more times, listen to it, deside to learn from it, then ERASE IT so that you can get to the best part of you because you are absolutely worth it.

Be Encouraged


  1. That was very enlightening and encouraging!

    "We must make the choice to either lay down and give up, or square our shoulders and fight."


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