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In The Silence

In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest for truth. –Mahatma Gandhi
Silence to the mind is just as important as sleep is to the body. There are at least 3 stages of sleep. Stage 1, is that state of drowsiness. Stage 2, is where you are close to a state of relaxation, and stage 3, is where your body has totally relaxed and is now in rejuvenation mode. Silence can affect our bodies in the same fashion. Being in silence opens up the way for clarity and peace.

My internal clock dings way before the crack of dawn and I love the early morning hours. This is where I find my clarity. I appreciate the world outside stopping, the chatter ceasing, and most of all, I appreciate being able to hear clearly what my soul has to say, and to hear clearly what my heavenly Father has to say. It is in the silence that I reign in my thoughts and appreciate the quietness of my spirit. Silence is a healing in its own right. Silence is truly golden.

With the influx of technology, everyone is connected to something. I find it amazing that you can walk down the street and almost everyone you walk past is looking at their cell phones. I encounter people walking up and down stairs connected to their cell phones. My inner child wants to intentionally bump into these people to see their reaction. I find it annoying to be in the company of others and they are connected to their cell phones. It annoys me that instead of human contact and conversation, the cell phone has become a life line. When will it stop? When will we get back to being personable with each other? Yet, we tell our children to read their books, do their homework, and wonder why their verbal communication skills and grades are way past poor.
My brothers and sisters, take a step back and disconnect to reconnect. Shut it all down and appreciate the silence around you and within. Connect with your soul and the souls around you. Make the phone call instead of texting and emailing. Reduce the noise and listen to your inner voice. God cannot speak to us if we are not able to hear Him. Spend quality time with your children by talking to them. Make a connection with those who starve for your undivided attention. It takes only one act of direct eye contact to open up a true and meaningful conversation that you can hear within your spirt. Let’s get back to the basics.

Be Blessed


  1. Beautiful post, Lynette. And thank you for writing this. I am one of those people unfortunately, and lately I've been seeing the signs that I need to disconnect. As I write this, I am working on Hootesuite so that I don't have to be so "connected," all the time. I think this week as I am on break with the kids and my husband, I'll focus more on the silence, and the personal time with them. My husband has accused us of becoming robots. Thank you, and God bless. <3

  2. I am blessed to be a blessing. So hppy this spoke to you. Oh no not robot. Lol. Yes disconnecting is good. Be blessed Sis and thank you for your support and encouragement..


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